Arts and Crafts

Paper cup turkey

paper cup turkey craft
Have your child gather some fall leaves and use them to make "feathers" on an adorable paper cup turkey craft. Once it's complete the turkey will be a cute decoration for your tabletop or mantel.


  • Paper cup
  • Brown craft paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Fall leaves
  • Glue
  • White, orange and red construction paper
  • Black pen
  • Scissors
Directions ..
  1. With the paintbrush, apply the brown paint to the paper cup. Allow it to dry.
  2. Turn the cup upside down and glue fall leaves to the back to make the turkey's feathers.
  3. Cut out two small white circles with your scissors. Use your black pen to put a black dot in the center of each circle, then glue them on to the cup to create the eyes.
  4. Cut out a squiggle from the red construction paper to form the gobbler, then cut out a triangle from the orange construction paper for the beak. Glue both pieces on to the cup.
  5. Cut out two feet from the orange construction paper, and glue them to the bottom lip of the cup.
Brought to You by "she knows"

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