Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Today is April 28, 2015 and today has been a bad day. Today is a remembrance of what my life was once an amazing journey with the person i once cared for so much. Besides that im put in a position where i have to choose between one of my closest friends that has been there with me threw thick and thin. And choose between the person of been wanting to be with for so long. It hurts to be in such a horrible position. I cant just let go of everything me and my friend have gone threw but i cant let go of something Ive been wanting for so long.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Today is April 27, 2015 and this is the beginning of a wonderful week. My birthday is coming up on may 4th and i am so excited to turn 17 finally. This week i will be trying to catch up on missing work hopefully by finals. Im looking forward to a good week no problems just school 100  % fully. I m glad for this new begging with this wonderful person that i have been waiting for in my life. Life couldn't get any better.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Today is April 24, and its finally Friday. After a week of tough decisions tests and disappointment the week is finally over. I'm happy to say that i have people who are there for me and hurts to give you care and attention to the wrong person. Don't become to confident in a persons words. Eyes that we see hearts we don't know.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Today is Tuesday April 21and today should be a challenge to try to find a way to get the robot following the black line. It will be an independent work some what challenging.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Today is Monday April 20th and today should be an okay day. I took the scare of my life after getting pulled up by cops for being late. Thankfully we didn't get a ticket for being late so it was a blessing. From this day on i will no longer be late. Other than that catching up on work is my goal this week before grades are submitted.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Today is Finally Friday and i am very excited on what to expect today. Today has been and will hopefully be a good day relaxing from work and learning stuff from video clips. And will be continue going to check on all the wonderful projects from the science fair.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Today is Wednesday the middle of the week hoping that Friday comes by fast. Excited to participate in the science fair today and tomorrow. "Science month"

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

today is Tuesday April 14 and today should be a continuation of yesterdays work. Moving the robot
from point to point. this will give us an understanding of how to o do proper calculation on how much time and exact direction the robot will go. It will be a bit challenging but interesting. Hope you all have a wonderful and interesting day.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Happy Monday to everyone hope you all have splendid day and week. This week will be working hard to achieve good grades.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Today we will be assembling the lego Robot to begin our lesson