Monday, March 23, 2015

Morning post, Today is March 23,2015 and today is Monday the least favorite day of the week. Even through its the begging of the week doing work in class will help time go fast. Looking forward to six flags this weekend. So start of the week working hard to raise the grades. What do you guys do to get the week to go by faster.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

     Today is Wednesday March 18, and today should be a hard day. Turning work and caching up with the missing work. It should be a challenge but not impossible. Today will be a day to work while tomorrow should be a day for fun and adventure. Celebrating my friends birthday.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Today is March 17, 2015 and today is saint Patrick's day. Enjoy a wonderful day of green and clovers. Today should be a wonderful day to enjoy.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Today is Monday the least liked day of the week. It should be a fast progressing day and hope to be a calm not so much work day.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Morning Post

Today is Thursday March 12,2015 and today should be a calm day. Chill back Thursday i will just be finishing up assignments.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Morning Post

Hello Everybody today is Wednesday March 11, 2015 and today should be a wonderful day. No matter how hard something to get over could be its never impossible to do it. A rose is beautiful but can be hurtful as well with its thorns. Stay positive and never give up. Live Life to the Fullest ;). What are you guys up to today??

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Morning Post

Today is Tuesday and im looking forward to a wonderful day. Even tho we have classes to deal with just have to make the best of it. hope you all have a splendid  day.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Morning Post

Good Morning to everyone, today is Monday the beginning of the week. This week i plan to accomplish a lot. i plan to complete missing work and to well in my classes. I hope things go well this week. What will you be doing this week.?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Morning Post;
   Today is Thursday one day closer to Friday. I'm really looking forward for a day to relax. I have to make up on my test i hope i do well with my physics test. What are you guys up to today?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Morning post;
          Today is Tuesday March 3,2015 The 2nd day of this week and so far its been a heavy week. With homework to turn in and testes to take. At the end theirs always a bright side of each day. Just need to find ways to not be so stressed out with school...What are you guys up to for this week?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Morning Post:
         This week i want to accomplish good work and peace. I will be taking my chapter test for Physics and i will be improving with my grades. I want to start fresh this week and be able to focus more in school. Ive had many distractions but my goal is to stay on track. What are you guys planning to accomplish this week.